138HO04155 BURNY RC


BURNY RC =  Mr Burns  x  Shottle Caralie  VG-87  x  Marmax Selsy  VG-87  x  Patron Lucy  VG-86
                            x  Aerostar Letti  VG-87  x  Enhancer Scarlette  VG-89  
                                  x  Fagin Scarlet  EX-94 (Champion RH Expo Madison)                                                                                                                                                                 x  Continental Scarlet  EX-95 (Champion Expo Holstein in Toronto)

138HO04155 Mr BTR Shottle BURNY RF VG 87 3y BURNY RF = Mr Burns x Shottle Caralie x Marmax Selsy x Patron Lucy x Aerostar Letti x Fagin Scarlet Red EX 94 ( Champion RH expo Madison ) x Scarlet Red EX 95 (champion BH expo Toronto )

138 H 4155  Mr BTR Shottle BURNY RF   VG-87 3y

BURNY Giselle Red (BURNY’s daughter) reached one of the highest Swiss production records!
1 lact. 326 days 13’164 kg (28’961 lbs.)
River Ridge Burny  1738  at River Ridge Farm in Michigan (USA):
2-00 365  41’600 lbs. (18’909 kg) Milk with  4,0% Fat   2,8% Prot. 
Extremely High in Milk, Protein & Fat!
Beta Casein: A1/A2

USA: 30 0103 1158
CH: US 030.0103.1158.2
aAa: 231
Born / Geb. / Né / Nacido: 01/31/2008


Burny’s maternal sister:
Verhages Candlelight P Red VG-86  2y. is one of the highest genomic red and polled cows worldwide!
Burny RF’s Mother:
Ri-Val-Re Shottle Caralie VG-87 2-01 2x 365 37’690 lbs. ( 17’131 kg ) 4,8% Fat 3,1% Protein


US Proof
138HO04155 BURNY RF
Reg: HO840003001031158
RHA: 100%
DOB: 01/31/2008
aAa: 231 HH2 HHR

Milk +1110 97%R Cheese Merit $ -66
Fat +39 -0.01% FM$ -56 GM$  -121
Protein +35 +0.00% Gestation Len. -1 MSP
CFP +74 EFI 6.4%  gEFI 7.2%
SCS 3.35 94%R Mastitis -2.7 Fert. Index -3.7
PL -3.6 92%R Livability -4.0 Heifer Liv. +0.5
DPR -4.4 90%R HCR -1.9 CCR -4.8
RFI +223 29246m  3.9%   1135f  3.1%  904p
Feed Saved -298 52%R 275 Dtrs  66 Herds  100% US
Sire Calving Ease 3.0% 95%R 1059 Obs
Daughter Calving Ease 3.1% 82%R 201 Obs
Sire Stillbirth 8.6% 88%R 719 Obs
Daughter Stillbirth 8.3% 79%R 174 Obs
08/2023 HA TYPE SUMMARY TPI +1940
PTAT +0.07  90%R  UDC-0.60  FLC-0.75  BSC +0.50  63 D /  28 H
-2 -1 0 1 2
Stature +1.55 Tall  
Strength +1.02 Strong  
Body Depth +1.63 Deep  
Dairy Form +1.80 Open Rib  
Rump Angle +1.29 Sloped  
Thuri Width +0.71 Wide  
Rear Legs-Side View +0.36 Sickle  
Rear Legs-Rear View -0.55 Hock In  
Foot Angle +0.06 Steep  
feet & Legs Score -0.34 Low  
F. udder Attachment -1.21 Loose  
Rear Udder Height +0.38 High  
Rear Udder Width +0.70 Wide  
Udder Cleft +0.59 Strong  
Udder Depth -1.26 Deep  
Front Teat Placement +0.15 Close  
Rear Teat placement +0.43 Close  
Teat Length -0.99 Short  

Mr Btr Shottle Burny Rf RC

Mr Btr Shottle Burny Rf RC

Ri-Val-Re Shtle Caralie-ET RC TV VG-87
02-01 2x 365d 37690m 4.8 1795f 3.1 1154p


Ms Ri-Val-Re Max Selsy-ET VG-87
02-01 2x 365d 27470m 3.8 1032f 3.1 853p


Hesters RL Patron Lucy-ET RC VG-86
02-10 2x 365d 36690m 3.8 1378f 3.0 1088p



Dinomi BURNY Karson Red NC Karson Red = Burny RF x Talent RF Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Propietario: Dino Migliazzo & Family, Atwater, California, USA

Dinomi BURNY Karson Red  NC
Karson Red = Burny RF x Talent RF
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Dino Migliazzo & Family, Atwater, California, USA

BURNY_Baur'sheima BURNY Babylone 84 Pts 2y. (VG 85 in udder) Baur'sheima BURNY Babylone 84 Pts 2y. (VG 85 in udder) WH= 151 cm tall Babylone RF = BURNY RF x Farao (CH) Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Propietario: Heinz Baur, Le Mont Travers, NE, Switzerland BURNY RF = Mr Burns x Shottle Caralie x Marmax Selsy x Patron Lucy x Aerostar Letti x Fagin Scarlet Red EX-94 (Champion RH Expo Madison) x Scarlet Red EX-95 (champion BH expo Toronto) Second Highest proven RF bull used in Switzerland today! Extremely High in Milk, Protein & Fat! USA: 30 0103 1158 CH: USA 030.0103.1158.2 aAa: 231 Born / Geb. / Né / Nacido: 01/31/2008

Baur’sheima BURNY Babylone  VG-86   (VG-87 in udder)
Height / WH / Stature= 151 cm tall
Babylone RF = BURNY RF x Farao (CH)
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Heinz Baur, Le Mont Travers, NE, Switzerland

Phinicas BURNY Puce Red 83Pts. 2y. WH/stature = 151 cm Puce Red = BURNY RF x Brad RF (Italy) Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Propietario: Jeannerat Jean-Baptiste, Epiquerez, Switzerland BURNY RF = Mr Burns x Shottle Caralie x Marmax Selsy x Patron Lucy x Aerostar Letti x Fagin Scarlet Red EX-94 (Champion RH Expo Madison) x Scarlet Red EX-95 (champion BH expo Toronto) Second Highest proven RF bull used in Switzerland today! Extremely High in Milk, Protein & Fat! USA: 30 0103 1158 CH: USA 030.0103.1158.2 aAa: 231 Born / Geb. / Né / Nacido: 01/31/2008

Phinicas BURNY Puce Red EX-91  2 y.   Height : 151 cm  = 60 in
WH / stature = 151 cm
Puce Red = BURNY RF x Brad RF (Italy)
3-05  305  10’027 kg ( 22’059 lbs.) 4.06% F/MG   3.35% Prot./Eiweiss
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario : Schrago Frères, Middes, Fribourg, Switzerland

Le Paigre BURNY Sambia RF  EX-91   Height : 158 cm = 63 in Reserve Junior Champion, Expo Saignelégier 2014 2-07  303 days   10’125 kg  (22’275 lbs.)  3,62 % F/MG   2,93 % Prot./Eiweiss 3-07  305 days   12’415 kg  (27’370.39 lbs.)  3,65 % F/MG   2,96 % Prot./Eiweiss Sambia RF = BURNY RF x Merlino (CH) Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Juillerat François & Thierry, Lajoux, JU, Switzerland

Le Paigre BURNY Sambia RF  EX-91   Height : 158 cm = 63 in
Reserve Junior Champion, Expo Saignelégier 2014
2-07  303 days   10’125 kg  (22’275 lbs.)  3,62 % F/MG   2,93 % Prot./Eiweiss
3-07  305 days   12’415 kg  (27’370.39 lbs.)  3,65 % F/MG   2,96 % Prot./Eiweiss
Sambia RF = BURNY RF x Merlino (CH)
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Juillerat François & Thierry, Lajoux, JU, Switzerland

Yerly BURNY Rebeka Red NC Rebeka Red = BURNY RF x Stadel Red 2-01 305 8’440kg 3.21% F/MG 2.80% Prot./Eiw. Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Propietario: Yerly Jean-Louis, Rueyres-Treyfayes, FR, Switzerland BURNY RF = Mr Burns x Shottle Caralie x Marmax Selsy x Patron Lucy x Aerostar Letti x Fagin Scarlet Red EX-94 (Champion RH Expo Madison) x Scarlet Red EX-95 (champion BH expo Toronto) Second Highest proven RF bull used in Switzerland today! Extremely High in Milk, Protein & Fat! USA: 30 0103 1158 CH: USA 030.0103.1158.2 aAa: 231 Born / Geb. / Né / Nacido: 01/31/2008

Yerly JL & Fabien  BURNY  Rebeka  Red  83 Pts
Rebeka Red = BURNY RF x Stadel Red
2-01 305 8’914kg (19’611 lbs.)  3.29% F/MG   2.87% Prot./Eiw.
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Yerly Jean-Louis and Fabien Rueyres-Treyfayes, FR, Switzerland

Maillard Burny Macarena RF VG-87 Macarena RF = Burny RF x Ross BH Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Maillard Jean-Pierre et Pierre-Alain, Brenles FR, Switzerland

Maillard Burny Macarena RF  EX 90 
Macarena RF = Burny RF x Ross BH
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Maillard Jean-Pierre et Pierre-Alain, Brenles FR, Switzerland

Genoud BURNY Kabriole Red 82 Pts. 2y. WH/Stature: 153 cm Kabriole Red = BURNY RF x Rampage Red (USA) 2-08 305 9’624kg 3.27% F/MG 2.88% Prot./Eiw. Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Propietario: Genoud Etienne, Châtel St-Denis, FR, Switzerland BURNY RF = Mr Burns x Shottle Caralie x Marmax Selsy x Patron Lucy x Aerostar Letti x Fagin Scarlet Red EX-94 (Champion RH Expo Madison) x Scarlet Red EX-95 (champion BH expo Toronto) Second Highest proven RF bull used in Switzerland today! Extremely High in Milk, Protein & Fat! USA: 30 0103 1158 CH: USA 030.0103.1158.2 aAa: 231 Born / Geb. / Né / Nacido: 01/31/2008

Genoud BURNY Kabriole Red 82 Pts. 2y.    Height : 153 cm  =  61 in
Kabriole Red = BURNY RF x Rampage Red (USA)
2-08  305   10’549 kg (23’208 lbs.)  3.21% F/MG   2.90% Prot./Eiw.
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire / Proprietario: Genoud Etienne, Châtel St-Denis, FR, Switzerland